Monday, 8 July 2013

Lip Synch Prelim task


As an introduction to our new A2 Media course, we were given the task to record and edit a small music video. We were only given a verse and chorus to lip synch to and the whole meaning behind it was to discover how hard the process of lip synching actually is. 6 hours was our time limit to get the task completed. I can confirm now that I understand just how hard lip synching is.

- Filming in a public location is hard anyway with ambient sounds, however when you are lip synching lyrics from a song, it gets even harder.

There must be someway that you can hear the track being played to you at a clear and loud volume. This isn't always easy to achieve.

- Learning the track must be done as well. It tends to be that singers facial expressions adapt to what note they are singing, whether it'd be at a high or low pitch.

Knowing this and when to do it at the right times is quite a skill to execute on camera. This means I need to choose talented actors for my real music video.

- The editing side of lip synching also isn't that easy. All other audio but the actual track must be deleted so the track is playing behind the video.

However, getting pieces of raw footage captured on your camera and putting the lip synch to the music is hard to do, requires a bit of luck! It is like a jigsaw of all the different scenes, lyrics and lip synching to put together as one.

- This can be hindered if the skill of lip synching on camera isn't done well, making editing so much harder.

- I figured on my task that it is best to get things filmed in order instead of coming back to scenes, which I did. It is hard to interpret what is being lip synched on video without any audio so following the lyrics word for word and line for line should help as a technique.

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