Friday, 6 September 2013

Magazine advert research

Plan B:

- Plan B approaches this magazine advert in a stylistic, simplistic, suave and sophisticated manor for his album ‘The Defamation Of Strickland Banks’ which is a class album by a class artist. This advert appeared in many music magazines and popular publications and just displays quality and class like the image Plan B has created around himself. His older music at a younger stage was more grime/British rap and he portrayed a more troubled youth. With age, his maturity and all round musician and song writing skills has broadened.

- Plan B himself resides in the bottom right hand corner clutching an old fashioned mic. His style of music, almost suave rap/pop, is unique and the positioning of the chosen image is an extension of this individuality. The basic yet stylistic font mirrors this image also. However, Plan B is surrounded by darkness. This can seem to suggest him bursting through the darkness as a big, lit-up figure who is now in a better place. 

The Stone Roses: 

Green Day:


The simplicity of it is similar to the image that I want to portray. It is a lot like the simple digipacks that I researched, being simple.
  •  The black and white image and font, very bold. Doesn't make a instant eye-grabbing impression, however it is clear to read and understand.
  • The memorable image which has been used on both the album and advert, which would be instantly recognisable to the fans of the band, a sort of logo.
  • The use of 'Debut Album', indicates to an audience which haven't heard of the artist before that they can try them out and evaluate whether or not they like them.

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