Friday, 20 September 2013

Music Video Storyboard

  • The Establishing Shot has been improved since Me and Nikki originally drew up this storyboard; It begins with a long shot of Georges house with a car driving slowly into the shot and parks up in the shot. The car is being driven by one of Jordan's mates who is dropping him off for his band practice (Paper Shop Dave's performance in the Shed). 
  • The camera then cuts to Nikki filming in the back seat of the car when it pulls up. This shot involves both Jordan and his mate in the shot. The shot is an Over the shoulder shot on both of them. 
  • A cut to Jordan getting his phone out of his pocket then texting George saying 'I'm here bro' then occurs. He then puts the phone back into his pocket.
  • Going back to the Over the shoulder shot, Jordan then knuckle touches his mate (Safe) and then thanks his mate for dropping him off, so some slight dialogue.
  • Then it cuts to the second image on the storyboard; the camera is looking under the car from the other side in which Jordan gets out of the car. With this very unique shot, you can see the persons feet touch the floor then cut to a shot of their whole body getting completely out of the car. 
- After finalising our ideas on our narrative, we then went onto planning our story board. We declared that we wasn’t going to write up every shot of our music video as we found that we would end up changing our mind when we are at the location with the opinions of our actors. Instead we have decided as shown below to only do our main important shots within the video. This will prove to be a very good guideline to work with when we take it with us to the locations of filming

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